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Friday, December 3, 2010

Pakistan Locations

Pakistan Locations
Pakistan has Afghanistan in the West, Iran in South West, Western China and Nepal in the North and North-East, India in the East, and Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean in the South.
Located almost midway between United Kingdom and Japan, 8 flight hours from London, and 11 flight hours from Tokyo.
Provincial headquarters
Lahore-Punjab, Karachi-Sindh, Peshawar-North West Frontier Province (NWFP), and Quetta-Baluchistan Islamabad is the national capital. Baluchistan has common border with Iran, NWFP with Afghanistan, Sindh and Punjab with India, and the Northern Areas with Western China. Pakistan is cradle of the most ancient, 5,000-year-old Indus Valley civilization cen-tered around Mohenjodaro in the Southern Sindh Province, and 3,000-year-old Harrapan civilization in Punjab province.
International airlines connect Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, and Peshawar. Shipping Lines anchor at Karachi. Overland routes from West are to Quetta in South-West and Peshawar in the North-West. Overland route from Far East and India is to Lahore in the East and Gilgit-Sust-Khunjrab Pass from Western China into Pakistan in the North.

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