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Sunday, November 28, 2010
Balochistan Youth Mission
we are proud that we are related from youth and our in charge afzal sulehri is a honest personallity and he
spend his life many days for the youth department and very kind persn with his staff and i wish that allah give us our youth a brithenes for always.

An idea, a conception, an initiative, Balochistan Youth Movement worked upon by a group of professional
Pakistanis with a noble cause of valuing the most precious belonging of our nation “Pakistan”.
Think of contributing to the cause of your country! Ignite your spirit and employ. Yes it is still a cause and shall remain so until we make our Pakistan our country in its true sense.(Aman)
Why the Need of Revolution?
As we have crossed the twentieth century, many people have lost hope in the future. The reason for this loss of hope is that there seems to be no alternative to the capitalist system. Communism and socialism have failed. The idea of fundamental change, the idea of revolution, has been defeated by the reality of it. Without an alternative to the system, fundamental change seems out of the question. We seem doomed to live in the grip of a system which defines human life in terms of profit and loss, competition and inequality.
Youth missions
The objectives of BYA are in compliance of its Mission Statement. We strongly believe that Balochistan’s most important asset is its own people. People who love Balochistan, People who believe in Pakistan , People who are loyal to its soil and people who always build Balochistan. Therefore, we pass this massage of love, respect, dignity and honor of Balochistan to its Youth. Our Slogan is ‘ Youth Deserve Listening’ - meaning youth has a right to say. While empowering youth to have their say, we need to accomplished these objectives:
1. Social Awareness
2. Reforming
3. Educating
4. Counseling
5. Talent exposure
6. IT Information
Social Awareness BYA highlights Issues and youth is asked to have their say and search for solutions which later become recommendations to the relevant authorities.
We never say Balochistan has weaknesses, what we say Balochistan has “Improving Opportunities”. It is all about perception to highlight disabilities without damaging the country’s goodwill. Therefore, BYA is striving to reform social fabric of our society by making more sensible citizens, training the teacher and introducing our Generation-Next to our bright history and golden personalities like, Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and others.& in this Century We have A kind Personalities like . Secratary Youth Affair Sir MUNIR AHMAD BADINI [Inchrge BYA], Muhammad Afzal Sulehri.
At BYA people understand that, education in colleges and universities is not so enough to make us good human. We need to strive more to be good human who has honesty as best policy, who believe in caring and helping others. We all need to learn and earn influential principle of life from each others. A good citizen is best Pakistani.
At BYA Youth finds its away to express what it has to say. We never Help People but we “Support People” when they are struggling to accomplish their dreams. BYA engages you in healthy and most influential activities where you learn respecting others, honoring yourself and live life with dignity. We arrange specialized counseling for youth to solve their issues and problems.
Talent Exposure
BYA is at its best to create best launching pad for its youth to expose their talent. When we say Talent it can be any thing, You may not be a singer, poet, musician, artist, painter, actor, or inventor. If you perform some thing which is your ‘best’ it is your talent, and BYA is always at Your support.
BYA Methodology
The way we fulfill these Objectives, we call that our methodology. It is our tactics and tools. Our philosophy is, change is some thing which can be seen. Therefore, we emphasize on work rather on talks, we do more n less discuss it is called “Activities at BYA”.
We encourage our members to spend few hours in a month in BYA Health activities. We invite creative people to express their feelings through Art and Poetry, Music and Theatre and Interactive Programs in the shape of Orientations and Presentations & We Express Also IT which is most Important Talent in the World . We take our members out and we all do such works which help us making our society more vibrant and responsive.
We arrange Programs at schools where we go and meet the students and our member gives presentation on different topics like History of Pakistan, Heroes of Pakistan, Motivation, and Sensible Citizenships. It is one of the most important activity that we do.
BYA – Prologue
BYA is an independent, non-political, non-profitable and non-governmental set up which is self governing.
The Idea behind was, “Youth Deserve Listening”. BYA aims to make youth responsive towards the challenges Balochistan is facing these days. BYA has a faith that today’s youth is well-versed and fully equipped to take Balochistan at its peak where it is meant to be. Here, we give best launching pad to its valuable members to have their say and later we published them as ‘Recommendations’.
Unlike most other youth group, BYA is governed by its governing body which is always answerable to its members. We are the most demo-crated organization, where no dictatorship is required. Each member has a right to ask, say and express opinions. Members cast vote to show their opinions on various issues. BYA executive members who are part of governing body are equal to its members. It does not make them superior.
It makes us most different that ‘BYA has its own Constitution’. Each and every decision is made in the compliance of this constitution. And each one is equal in this constitution. This Policy introduced By Aman Faheem , Jawad Khan Niazi & Alam Khan Barech.
Pakistan Youth Plan Of Action
A number of Ministries and institutions in Pakistan are already engaged in various programmes benefiting the youth. The National Youth Policy aims at creating a youth centric focus by integrating and coordinating the programmes of various Ministries and institutions and providing overall guidance to develop the youth in Pakistan to meet the challenges of the future in building Pakistan. The Plan of Action proposed in pursuance of the Policy, thus, builds upon the existing infrastructure and programmes besides additional programmes and dimensions wherever necessary. The plan of action for each point of National Youth Policy is described below:-
1. Sense of Pride, Awareness and Motivation,:
It is proposed to reinforce a sense of pride of being Pakistani or having association with Pakistan, motivate the youth for achievement of excellence, learn from local, national and international icons and to be aware of the development in the world. Accordingly the Plan envisages:
Using various means of communication and media, lift the morale of our youth by projecting:
our national heroes in various walks of lives. unsung and "small" heroes whose performance is laudable in ordinary lives, of our culture, monuments, our traits and traditions, of inventions, bravery, culture, traditions of society, justice, landmark projects, adventures and our natural endowments etc.
Projecting Pakistan's heritage to our youth through visits and participation in events to see various areas, economic centres, monuments, museums dwellings, cities of historical importance, renowned facilities, universities etc. with high achievers, corporate, leaders, researchers, academicians, social workers and other icons through visits, meetings, seminars, chat programmes, video conferences, other means of communication.
Enabling interaction with high achievers and icons on the pattern of the initiative taken by Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Science Foundation by arranging interaction with Nobel Laureates.
(e) Youth be made aware of Pakistan's geographical importance in the economic and geopolitical context of the world.
(f) Involve youth in national policy formulation.
(g) Youth may be invited to programmes organized by the President/Prime Minister/Governor/Chief Minister Secretariat and Nazims.
2. National Integration:
Promote national integration and harmony amongst the youth from various walks of life in the country. These bonds created at a young age will go a long way to nourish future relationships. Programmes to include:
See Pakistan visits: Participants from all over the country would be invited to come together for organized visits to various areas. The participants will live and get together as they see sites of historical importance, explore the life, history and natural endowments and meet leaders in various walks of life. These programmes will be based on selection of youth on merit from various regions of the country so that the objective of cross cultural learning is achieved.
See city tours: Cause local administration to run special transport on week-ends to conduct city visits to expose youth to different parts of the city they live in.
Arrange national youth conventions: Organize national youth conventions where various cultural, social competitive events are held. Corporations and leading companies will be invited to set up stalls to exhibit their products and business practices giving the youth an opportunity to interact with them and build relations.
Arrange country-wide tours and run youth trains: Provide concession on railway tickets to youth during the period of summer vacations of June to September to promote excursion travel.
Arrange in-cities tours: To enable visits of students in local institutions to venues of interest, museums and monuments etc. For this purpose resources will be made available through Ministry of Youth Affairs to public sector educational institutions, to undertake such activities. Ministry of Youth Affairs will promote these efforts.
Arrange interschool, inter college and inter universities debates and conventions etc: To promote such activities, Ministry of Youth Affairs will provide resources to public sectors.
Facilitate student camping/lodging facilities: in premises of selected educational institutions during summer period to facilitate low cost tours. For this purpose a scheme of "back pack" lodging will be launched in cooperation with educational institutions.
Cause or construct youth hostels: In various cities and tourist spots in the country for providing decent and economical accommodation for youth to facilitate there visits. Also establish relations with the members of international youth associations and travel agents.
Mainstreaming the youth from backward and special areas: Under this programme, young people from backward areas will be invited to live in major cities and get the exposure of city life, exposure for development in the country, visit to major development projects and institutions of learning. Special scholarships will be offered to students from backward and special areas to live in urban universities, colleges, schools and vocational centers. This will provide opportunities for learning and interaction with their contemporaries in urban areas, experience the urban environment and build the bonds amongst the youth and share their value. This is to create inspiration in the youth of such areas to improve their own environments and play constructive role in their areas.Urban Exchange Programmes: It is proposed to provide opportunities for living and exposure to urban youth of the rural areas and vice versa. This will widen the perspective of the youth.
3. Enabling Employment (Harnessing the Youth Dividend)
There is a great need to enhance the existing programmes of skill development and vocational training in the country as it has a tremendous potential to provide employment to our youth in rural and urban areas as well as the job market abroad. The plan of action being prepared (and being implemented) in coordination and collaboration with the relevant government divisions/agencies envisages:
(a)Skill Development and Vocational Training
It is proposed to carry out an assessment of the demand/ requirements and capacity of the skills development facilities in the country. In this respect NAVTEC has already prepared a strategy for "Skilling Pakistan" and Federal bureau of statistics is also planning to undertake a demand supply summary for various occupations. Based on the assessment of needs, technical and skill development programmes will be enhanced. It is proposed that existing schools may be inducted in this programme and a substantial number of schools in public and private sector may start regular evening and weekend programmes for skill development and technical training for which funds would be provided by the Federal and Provincial Governments.and international job market analysis would be carried out to identify the requirements of skills in various target markets and our youth be trained in the relevant fields. Besides, support will be extended to our youth to seek jobs and placements locally and in foreign markets. Overseas Pakistani Division of Ministry of Labour and Manpower is already working in this direction. This programme will be further enhanced.Training Institutes in the country will update curriculum in accordance with current requirements and job-opportunities in the Agriculture/Industrial and Services sectors and prepare a phased expansion programme of such training facilities in rural/urban areas keeping in view regional considerations regarding youth population, prevailing skill-levels, and unemployment. This will be undertaken in coordination with NAVTEC and concerned Provincial Departments.institutions for providing training in area specific needs will be opened e.g. training of agriculture labour, maintenance of agriculture implements, agriculture businesses, agriculture practices in agricultural areas. Similarly training to support tanneries, fans, cutlery, garments industries in relevant industrial areas etc. placement of youth in appropriate jobs. Establish placement support centres at District Levels.and encourage local crafts based youth enterprises for income-generation at village and urban-neighbourhood level and provide professional assistance for marketing of such enterprise products.
Institute a programme of certification of informally acquired skills by technicians and workers to enable them acquire suitable jobs and financing.
Youth in Pakistan has great inspiration for new ideas but are usually handicapped because of lack of resources to experiment these ideas and develop these to enter the market. To mitigate risks in new ventures, it is necessary that the risk of trying bright ideas be underwritten by entrepreneurs and our talent is given a chance to succeed. For this purpose the programme envisages creation of a youth venture capital fund to support new developments and implementation of new ideas. This fund can be subscribed by government, entrepreneurs, corporations, donors, beneficiaries etc.
Creation of small incubator offices equipped with all office facilities for young graduates so that they may work in these incubators to polish up their ideas and implement to venture activities. Such incubators may be set up in universities and also by corporate sector for which suitable incentives would be given.facilitate and guide young entrepreneurs regarding procedures for opening of new companies and provide legal advice as needed.entrepreneurship and corporate leadership training programme to enable youth to learn from existing enterprises and the companies. Learn the art of making business plans and selling it to the venture capital and other funds.the outreach of programmes of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (SMEDA).and train youth to do business, to innovate and expand business.and train small and poor service providers to grow from small occupations into large enterprise.respect for poor and small entrepreneurship (rag to riches empowerment).
Arrange youth entrepreneurship competition.
(c) Micro - Finance
Provide financial resources/loans to increase access of poor/low income youths to training institutions and facilitate those seeking self-employment.
Expansion of micro finance sector in terms of outlets, products and access by the young.
Create a centralized "Information-System/Data base" on job opportunities for Youth in public and private sector to guide and counsel job-seeking youth.
(d)Internships, On Campus Job and Job Placements.
Expand and improve national internship programme.addition to Government programme, require large public and private organizations, companies and enterprises to provide internship opportunities equal to at least 5% of their sanctioned/approved strength of officers to young people/graduates with stipends equal to or more than the Government programme.all universities to provide on campus jobs equal to at least 5% of their full time student population.
Encourage all universities to set up offices for awaiting graduates in job placements. The government may also support programmes for job counseling and placement services.programmes of internships (or shared salaries) in partnership with corporate sector (public and private) with commitments of the latter to provide employment to most of the internees.
4.Marginalized and Vulnerable Youth.
Special and proactive measures financing and programmes for mainstreaming e.g.
welfare Centres and facilities to attract marginalized out of school and vulnerable youth from loitering, begging, whiling away time by clinging to shrines etc.
through support of NGOs/Civil Society and support programmes of Ministry of Social Welfare and education for mainstreaming of marginalized and vulnerable youth groups.
5. Character Building
Propagation of True Islamic values, ideology of Pakistan, good citizenship, gender equality, human values and respect for other religions through:
TV/Radio/media programmes and talk shows, debates, essay, competitions and discussions involving the youth and elders.dramas advertisement and documentaries etc, leading to good moral lessons.
6. Promotion of Sports and Recreation
The plan of action for the promotion of sports and recreational facilities is as follows:
Distinguished persons such as President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Nazims, leading icons in society, corporate leaders and other known personalities to become patrons of sports organizations in urban and rural areas.competitive sports, trekking, scouting events at all administrative levels. Make tent villages/camping facilities, wherever feasible and necessary.proper media coverage and appreciation of the sports for various sports through training centers, schools and educational institutions and media.
Enable expansion of sports facilities, play grounds, proper maintenance and sustenance of the sports facilities. Make Youth Activity Centres (comprising of reading rooms, computers, indoor and outdoor sports etc.) with priority to small towns. This may be done through public sector, public private partnership or through private sector/corporate resources.emphasis will be given to facilities for females.
7. Academic and Intellectual Development
There is no dearth of hard-working and talented youth of Pakistan. Given the opportunity, they can rise to the highest ranks in academic and intellectual pursuits. Many talented students, however, are handicapped because of lack of financial support, compromise on merit, limited opportunities, ignorance about opportunities and lack of availability or access to books, literature and other academic resources. To promote young academics to pursue excellence and critical thinking, the programmes include:
Enhancing the availability of scholarships to carry out studies at higher secondary, under graduate and graduate levels in country and abroad. A special emphasis will be given for scholarships at higher secondary and under graduate levels to dovetail with a similar programme being run by Higher Education Commission. A transparent criteria for selection of deserving youth for these scholarships will be prepared and widely publicized.order to reduce the gap of level and quality of education for rural population, it is proposed to launch a special scheme of scholarships for rural youth studying in schools in rural and underdeveloped areas in class 9 to graduation in quality education institutions in urban areas. and augmenting programmes for educational loans and "Qarz-e-Hasna" for students who do not get merit scholarships for studies both in Pakistan and abroad. These loans can be advanced by the Governments and banks and well publicized.funds will be created to facilitate participation of young students and professionals in conferences in-country and abroad. A transparent criteria for selection of deserving youth will be prepared and widely publicized.order to prepare students for getting admissions for the world renowned institutions at under graduate and graduate levels, special tutorials and guidance sessions would be arranged on internet and various local institutions would be encouraged to run trainings on subsidized rates.and research and development materials and facilities would be made available to the young researchers through internet access, libraries, book banks or book loaning programmes.
Government will provide support for mainstreaming of youth studying in Madrassas in collaboration with Ministries of Religious Affairs and Education.institutions will be advised to provide hostel accommodation to 100% students from far flung and backward areas.access to information technology including easy access to internet, satellite/televised information technology and audio-visual electronic informative data.will be given representation in Think Tanks, policy formulation and implementation for a.
8. Youth Health
i) Support Ministry of Health:
a) in extension and up gradation of facilitation for physical and mental health, public health, preventive health care, population welfare and rehabilitation care.
b) undertake awareness, preventive campaigns and programmes against drug abuse, drug addiction, smoking, HIV/AIDS, communicable diseases, nutritional imbalance, hepatitis, accidental injuries, psychological and mental illnesses, maternal mortality, infant mortality and environmental hazards.
Youth friendly confidential counseling help line would also be established with the help of Ministry of Health.
iii) Programmes for guidance of youth in adolescence age group would be undertaken.
9. Social Volunteerism
Youth Volunteer Corps will be promoted to assist in practical work for the Social and Economic Development of the country. Areas of youth volunteer activity will cover all vital sectors related to service to humanity including but not limited to Social Security, Health, Education, Environment, Gender, Sports; disaster/crises management and community uplift. Using existing volunteer activity in the country, the programme will be based on methodology, principles and best practices adopted internationally and acquire necessary foreign professional expertise to establish and help this vital initiative gain initial momentum.
Pakistan Boy Scouts / Girl Guides Association will be invigorated to activate the work and ethos of these organizations at grass root level in educational institutions and at community - level.
Encourage young people to undertake social and economic activities in rural areas.
Youth Volunteer Awards will be instituted to give incentives for volunteerism.
Encourage youth to participate in communal activities in relation to their community for safety, welfare and mutually beneficial tasks.
10. Incentives for Talented and High Performing Youth.
A merit and competition based National Youth Award will be instituted. For this purpose nominations will be solicited from various institutions as well as through national advertisements. These awards will be given in the fields of academics, social work, outstanding achievements of national importance, inventions, innovations, bravery, dedication, profession, Art and Culture etc. An elaborate system of selection on merit will be devised so that the deserving candidates, irrespective of their social background (poor, rich, rural, urban, political, family status etc) are selected. This Award will be made a permanent feature.
11. Youth, Marriage, Family and Life Skills.
Facilitating the youth (above 18 years) in the formation and planning of family on a sustainable basis.marriage through providing the necessary financial resources to the needy and accredited counseling services.
Providing necessary life skills for youth through university and school curriculum and in the non-formal education sector in order to make youth capable of coping with their problems in the early years of marriage. They will be provided training to develop skills in communication, resisting peer undue pressures etc.the awareness in youth about marriage law (e.g. minimum age of marriage, nikah nama etc.), reproductive health, Islamic tradition and values in the realm of family.
Strengthen the institution of family by promoting family values.
12. Youth Mentoring
Strengthening the institution of family to provide guidance to youth.parents, senior citizens, teachers, professionals and leaders in the art of mentoring and guiding young people.and encouraging youth counseling centers in universities, hospitals, large enterprises etc.
Young prisoners will be provided special facilities for mentoring and guidance to improve their lives.
13.Special Youth.
Special and handicapped youth may be given the same quota in all youth activities as has been approved by the Government in respect of Special Education and Rehabilitation of disabled persons.Chair accesses and special toilets for the disable youth be made compulsory in construction of all future buildings.
Special quota/opportunity for studying in all educational institutions including those for higher education both at home and abroad.
14.Balancing the Gender Imbalance
The government has already decided that the quota for female candidates for employment in public sector will be 10%. This proportion is proposed to be gradually enhanced. It is proposed to take measures to facilitate and enhance the participation of female youth in all walks of life including but not limited to:-
a) improving workplace environments in the back drop of suitable legal framework.
b) providing specific incentives to females to come forward in seeking jobs and entrepreneurship.
c) specific programme to enhance female education and skill development.
Youth in Prison
In coordination with the concerned authorities, special programmes will be undertaken to provide various skills and trainings so that the young prisoners can lead a respectable life upon leaving the prison. Similarly, interactions with senior citizens will be organized to provide mentoring support. Competitive and creative activities will be promoted. The measures and programmes envisaged under this policy will be made available inside the prisons also.
Institutional Implementation Plan
1.National Youth Council
The plan of action cuts across many disciplines. A number of Ministries, Provincial Departments, organizations, NGOs, various International Donors, UN agencies, Philanthropists, corporate bodies, NGOs and CBOs are already engaged in various disciplines envisaged in the plan of action. The implementation of the plan will thus heavily rely on the existing institutions. Essentially it will require these institutions to pay specific attention to youth development by enhancing and augmenting existing programmes, capacity building and increased financing in consonance with the National Youth Policy. To guide, create synergy, harmony and increased coordination in programmes of various institutions, a National Youth Council will be set up under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister with the following composition:-
1.Prime Minister - Chairman
2.Governor of NWFP - Member
3.Chief Ministers of Provinces (4) - Member
4.Federal Minister for Youth Affairs - Member
5.Prime Minister of AJK - Member
6.Ministers dealing with Youth Affairs of Provincial Governments and AJK (5) - Member
7.Chief Executive N.A. - Member
8.Secretary Youth Affairs - Member
9.Two member from NGOs/corporate sector - Member
10.Five Youth Representatives* (2 males and 3 females) - Member
11.One senior female from Ministry of Women Development. - Member
Total members : - 23 Members
The Ministry of Youth Affairs will form its Secretariat. The main function of this council will be to give impetus to harmonious implementation of National Youth Policy, monitoring of performance and to provide overall guidance. The council may meet at lest twice a year.
Executive Committee of the National Youth Council. For operational coordination with all stakeholders and leadership an Executive Committee of the National Youth Council will be formed under the Minister, Youth Affairs Division with secretaries of Federal Ministries concerned, Provincial Ministers and non official members of National Youth Council. The Executive Committee may meet on bimonthly basis.
* The five youth representatives with prominence in the fields of science and technology/education, social work, sports/culture and entrepreneurship with adequate representation to rural/backward areas, will be selected.
2.Role of Ministry of Youth Affairs.
The Ministry of Youth Affairs will play the role of catalyst, coordinator, enabler and monitor of the implementation of National Youth Policy. It will also undertake a number of youth centric projects, programmes and campaigns in accordance with National Youth Policy. In doing so, the Ministry will largely bank upon the infrastructure and the existing out reach of the specialized Ministries and organizations who are already involved in youth related activities. Funds will also be provided to qualified NGOs for undertaking programmes and projects in various districts to expand the outreach of the youth activities. The Ministry will supplement the existing programmes and develop joint projects. Wherever necessary it will also embark upon a number of activities, studies, seminars/workshops, and programmes of youth development. It will also develop partnership with private sector corporate bodies, philanthropists, NGOs, donors and other national and international bodies to promote cause of youth and sponsor various activities. Jointly financed programmes/events will also be executed where ever feasible in line with the policy. Print and electronic media will be used to enhance the coverage and quick dissemination of programmes. The Ministry of Youth Affairs will be adequately strengthened to undertake the responsibilities of consonance with needs of the National Youth Policy.
3.Implementation of the Policy at the Provincial and District Level.
At present there is no separate department of Youth Affairs at the Provincial level, in AJK, FATA or Northern Areas. Youth affairs are being looked after in conjunction with Culture/Sports/Tourism. In view of the much wider vision given under the Youth Policy, it is recommended that the Provinces may create separate Ministries/Departments for Youth Affairs to perform similar functions as the Ministry of Youth Affairs at the Federal level. It is also recommended that Provincial Youth Councils headed by the Chief Ministers of the Provinces be also constituted. Similar councils be also formed in AJK, NA and FATA. The membership of the councils be decided by the respective governments/administrations. The council may meet twice a year. The council may review performance of Departments/Districts in respect of each policy area and plan of action.
Executive Committee of Provincial Youth Council should also be formed on the pattern recommended for the Federal Government.
4. Agencies/Departments Responsible for Implementation of the Policy in Coordination with the Ministry of Youth Affairs.
A list of Ministries/Departments responsible for the implementation of the policy in coordination of the Ministry of Youth Affairs is at Appendix-A. Essentially, they will arrange programmes, events and projects in pursuance of this policy at their respective levels.
5. Role of NGOs.
The NGOs are expected to play a very important role in carrying forward the objectives of the National Youth Policy. Wherever feasible, the NGOs with track record of activities related to Youth Policy will be invited to submit their proposals through a competitive process for carrying out activities/projects in accordance with the National Youth Policy. Those NGOs, who submit their proposals which are accepted, will be provided finances from PSDP. The NGOs which contribute, partially or wholly for the activities/projects from their own resources will be given preference.
6. Role of Media.
All public and private media are expected to play an important role in various initiatives envisaged under the policy. They will be persuaded to undertake Youth programmes of prime times and start Youth Channels, if possible. Media would be advised to allocate prime time for youth programmes on regular basis while PTV may set up a specific youth channel.
7. National Youth Fund.
It is also proposed to create a National Youth Fund with the support of international donors, corporate bodies, banks, philanthropists and some seed money from the government to support the National Youth Policy. To begin with the fund will support the following activities:-
National Youth scholarships for mainstreaming of youth from backward and special areas and rural urban exchange programme.internship.of Youth Centres/Academies where ever building and space is made available by local communities/NGOs/ administrative authorities.programmes for handicapped youth.seminars, studies on youth related topics conventions etc.magazine to be published by Ministry of Youth Affairs on quarterly basis.competitions in entrepreneurships, innovation, sports, essays, debates, leadership, exhibitions, fairs.entrepreneurship, ventures fund and incubators.for undergraduate students for education abroad in the world best universities to be selected on merit through GRE/ SAT/TOEFEL for studies at undergraduate level in Pakistan.activities as approved by the Board of Governors.
It is proposed that the campaign for fund raising may be initiated by the President/Prime Minister.
The fund is proposed to be managed by a Board of Governors comprising of five largest subscribers to the fund from corporate sector, philanthropists, banks etc, a representative of international donors, seven youth representatives (from the four provinces, AJK, NA, and FATA) and two nominees of the Federal Government. A Managing Director will be appointed with a small Secretariat to manage the fund. Its detailed charter, rules and organizational structure be finalized by the Board of Governors within three months of approval of this Policy.
8. Youth Programmes through Corporate Sector
Social responsibility is a cardinal principle of all good corporate bodies. Usually various programmes and allocation of funds are envisaged in corporate programmes. Besides seeking donation of funds from corporate bodies for the National Youth Fund, and undertaking joint public private programmes, it is proposed that they may be requested to undertake various programmes under their own management and control. For this purpose various programme packages will be developed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and offered to various Corporations and Companies. The Corporations and Companies may implement these programmes with suitable modifications under their banner in consultation with the Ministry of Youth Affairs. It will secure the twin objectives of promoting Company/Corporation's image and at the same time efficient implementation of their programmes without the bureaucratic rigmarole.
9.Honorary Youth Ambassadors and Councilors Abroad.
A large number of Pakistan's youth lives abroad and is engaged in the fields of education, services, commerce, industry and labour. They are exposed and influenced to various cultures and schools of thoughts in the communities they inhabit. Pakistanis have formed societies and fora in various countries but there is no forum specifically for Pakistani youth where they deliberate about future strategies and progression of Pakistan in the modern world, communicate and network with each other and undertake youth activities. To fill this gap, it is proposed to organize the Pakistani youth living abroad as follows:-
i) City Youth Council.
City Youth Council will be formed in each major city comprising of 10 councilors representing different occupations amongst the youth living in the city. These occupations may include students, businessmen, traders, entrepreneurs, labour and shopkeepers etc. Each Youth Council may be headed by an Honorary Youth Councilor.
ii) Central Youth Council
A Central Youth Council may be formed at the country level comprising of the Honorary Youth Councilors and nominees of the Government with a total strength of 15 members from the youth living in the country. The Central Youth Council may be headed by an Honorary Youth Ambassador.
Agencies/Departments Directly Responsible for Implementation
Of the Policy in Coordination with Ministry of Youth Affairs*.
Policy Principle
Federal Level Agencies/Department Ministries/Department
Provincial Level Agencies/
District Level Agencies/Department
Reinforcement of sense of Pride, Awareness and Motivation
M/O Youth Affairs
M/O CultureEducationWomen DevelopmentInformation & BroadcastingScience & Technologysports
Youth DepartmentsDepartmentof Education
District NazimsSports OfficersEducation Officers
(To inculcate the sense of pride in the growth right from school level)
M/O Youth Affairs Religious AffairsEducationInformation & BroadcastingTourismLaw, Justice & Human Rights.
Youth Departmentsof Social Welfareof Tourismof Education
District NazimsEducation OfficersSports Officers
Enabling prospects of Income Generation for Youth (Harnessing the Youth Dividend)
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O Education/ other Local AgenciesIndustriesTourismof Finance and Financial InstitutionsLabour & ManpowerDivision
Youth Departmentsof Labour & Manpowerof Planning & Development.InstitutionsDepartmentDevelopment Council
District Nazims
Addressing Issues of Marginalized and Vulnerable Groups of Youth.
Ministry of Youth Affairsof Educationof Religious AffairsSpecial Education & Social WelfareRights Commission (HRC)
Character Building
M/O Religious Affairsof Youth Affairs EducationInformation & BroadcastingCenters/Universities
Youth Departmentsof Religious AffairsEducationCenters/ Universities
District NazimsEducation Officers
Promotion of Sports & Recreation
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O Educationsports
Youth DepartmentsDepartmentof Information & Broadcasting.Education
District NazimsEducation Officers
District Sports Officers
Academic & Intellectual Development
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O EducationEducation Commission
Youth Departmentsof Education
District NazimsEducation Officers
Youth Health
M/O EnvironmentNarcotics ControlTourismHealthInformation & Broadcasting
Youth Departmentsof HealthDepartment of Narcotics Controlof Information & Broadcasting.
District NazimsHealth Officer
Youth Volunteerism
Ministry of Youth Affairs
National Volunteer MovementScouts AssociationGuide Association
Youth DepartmentsScouts AssociationGuide Association
Colleges Directorate
District Nazims
Incentive for Talented & High Performing Youth
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O EducationWomen DevelopmentEducation Commission
Youth DepartmentsDepartmentDepartment
District NazimsEducation Officer.
Youth Marriage, Family and Life Skills
M/O EducationReligious AffairsSpecial Education & Social Welfare
Youth Department
Youth Mentoring
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O Narcotics ControlEducationReligious Affairs
Youth Departments
District Nazims
Handicapped Youth
Ministry of Healthof Social Welfare and Special Education
Provincial Youth DepartmentsEducation DepartmentsSocial Welfare
District Nazims
Gender Imbalance
Ministry of Women DevelopmentDivisionDivision.
Services of General Administration Departments.Department
Youth in
Ministry of
(a) Interior
(b) Education
(c) Social Welfare and NAVTEC.
Provincial Ministries concerned
Administration of jails/prisons.
A number of Ministries and institutions in Pakistan are already engaged in various programmes benefiting the youth. The National Youth Policy aims at creating a youth centric focus by integrating and coordinating the programmes of various Ministries and institutions and providing overall guidance to develop the youth in Pakistan to meet the challenges of the future in building Pakistan. The Plan of Action proposed in pursuance of the Policy, thus, builds upon the existing infrastructure and programmes besides additional programmes and dimensions wherever necessary. The plan of action for each point of National Youth Policy is described below:-
1. Sense of Pride, Awareness and Motivation,:
It is proposed to reinforce a sense of pride of being Pakistani or having association with Pakistan, motivate the youth for achievement of excellence, learn from local, national and international icons and to be aware of the development in the world. Accordingly the Plan envisages:
Using various means of communication and media, lift the morale of our youth by projecting:
our national heroes in various walks of lives. unsung and "small" heroes whose performance is laudable in ordinary lives, of our culture, monuments, our traits and traditions, of inventions, bravery, culture, traditions of society, justice, landmark projects, adventures and our natural endowments etc.
Projecting Pakistan's heritage to our youth through visits and participation in events to see various areas, economic centres, monuments, museums dwellings, cities of historical importance, renowned facilities, universities etc. with high achievers, corporate, leaders, researchers, academicians, social workers and other icons through visits, meetings, seminars, chat programmes, video conferences, other means of communication.
Enabling interaction with high achievers and icons on the pattern of the initiative taken by Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Science Foundation by arranging interaction with Nobel Laureates.
(e) Youth be made aware of Pakistan's geographical importance in the economic and geopolitical context of the world.
(f) Involve youth in national policy formulation.
(g) Youth may be invited to programmes organized by the President/Prime Minister/Governor/Chief Minister Secretariat and Nazims.
2. National Integration:
Promote national integration and harmony amongst the youth from various walks of life in the country. These bonds created at a young age will go a long way to nourish future relationships. Programmes to include:
See Pakistan visits: Participants from all over the country would be invited to come together for organized visits to various areas. The participants will live and get together as they see sites of historical importance, explore the life, history and natural endowments and meet leaders in various walks of life. These programmes will be based on selection of youth on merit from various regions of the country so that the objective of cross cultural learning is achieved.
See city tours: Cause local administration to run special transport on week-ends to conduct city visits to expose youth to different parts of the city they live in.
Arrange national youth conventions: Organize national youth conventions where various cultural, social competitive events are held. Corporations and leading companies will be invited to set up stalls to exhibit their products and business practices giving the youth an opportunity to interact with them and build relations.
Arrange country-wide tours and run youth trains: Provide concession on railway tickets to youth during the period of summer vacations of June to September to promote excursion travel.
Arrange in-cities tours: To enable visits of students in local institutions to venues of interest, museums and monuments etc. For this purpose resources will be made available through Ministry of Youth Affairs to public sector educational institutions, to undertake such activities. Ministry of Youth Affairs will promote these efforts.
Arrange interschool, inter college and inter universities debates and conventions etc: To promote such activities, Ministry of Youth Affairs will provide resources to public sectors.
Facilitate student camping/lodging facilities: in premises of selected educational institutions during summer period to facilitate low cost tours. For this purpose a scheme of "back pack" lodging will be launched in cooperation with educational institutions.
Cause or construct youth hostels: In various cities and tourist spots in the country for providing decent and economical accommodation for youth to facilitate there visits. Also establish relations with the members of international youth associations and travel agents.
Mainstreaming the youth from backward and special areas: Under this programme, young people from backward areas will be invited to live in major cities and get the exposure of city life, exposure for development in the country, visit to major development projects and institutions of learning. Special scholarships will be offered to students from backward and special areas to live in urban universities, colleges, schools and vocational centers. This will provide opportunities for learning and interaction with their contemporaries in urban areas, experience the urban environment and build the bonds amongst the youth and share their value. This is to create inspiration in the youth of such areas to improve their own environments and play constructive role in their areas.Urban Exchange Programmes: It is proposed to provide opportunities for living and exposure to urban youth of the rural areas and vice versa. This will widen the perspective of the youth.
3. Enabling Employment (Harnessing the Youth Dividend)
There is a great need to enhance the existing programmes of skill development and vocational training in the country as it has a tremendous potential to provide employment to our youth in rural and urban areas as well as the job market abroad. The plan of action being prepared (and being implemented) in coordination and collaboration with the relevant government divisions/agencies envisages:
(a)Skill Development and Vocational Training
It is proposed to carry out an assessment of the demand/ requirements and capacity of the skills development facilities in the country. In this respect NAVTEC has already prepared a strategy for "Skilling Pakistan" and Federal bureau of statistics is also planning to undertake a demand supply summary for various occupations. Based on the assessment of needs, technical and skill development programmes will be enhanced. It is proposed that existing schools may be inducted in this programme and a substantial number of schools in public and private sector may start regular evening and weekend programmes for skill development and technical training for which funds would be provided by the Federal and Provincial Governments.and international job market analysis would be carried out to identify the requirements of skills in various target markets and our youth be trained in the relevant fields. Besides, support will be extended to our youth to seek jobs and placements locally and in foreign markets. Overseas Pakistani Division of Ministry of Labour and Manpower is already working in this direction. This programme will be further enhanced.Training Institutes in the country will update curriculum in accordance with current requirements and job-opportunities in the Agriculture/Industrial and Services sectors and prepare a phased expansion programme of such training facilities in rural/urban areas keeping in view regional considerations regarding youth population, prevailing skill-levels, and unemployment. This will be undertaken in coordination with NAVTEC and concerned Provincial Departments.institutions for providing training in area specific needs will be opened e.g. training of agriculture labour, maintenance of agriculture implements, agriculture businesses, agriculture practices in agricultural areas. Similarly training to support tanneries, fans, cutlery, garments industries in relevant industrial areas etc. placement of youth in appropriate jobs. Establish placement support centres at District Levels.and encourage local crafts based youth enterprises for income-generation at village and urban-neighbourhood level and provide professional assistance for marketing of such enterprise products.
Institute a programme of certification of informally acquired skills by technicians and workers to enable them acquire suitable jobs and financing.
Youth in Pakistan has great inspiration for new ideas but are usually handicapped because of lack of resources to experiment these ideas and develop these to enter the market. To mitigate risks in new ventures, it is necessary that the risk of trying bright ideas be underwritten by entrepreneurs and our talent is given a chance to succeed. For this purpose the programme envisages creation of a youth venture capital fund to support new developments and implementation of new ideas. This fund can be subscribed by government, entrepreneurs, corporations, donors, beneficiaries etc.
Creation of small incubator offices equipped with all office facilities for young graduates so that they may work in these incubators to polish up their ideas and implement to venture activities. Such incubators may be set up in universities and also by corporate sector for which suitable incentives would be given.facilitate and guide young entrepreneurs regarding procedures for opening of new companies and provide legal advice as needed.entrepreneurship and corporate leadership training programme to enable youth to learn from existing enterprises and the companies. Learn the art of making business plans and selling it to the venture capital and other funds.the outreach of programmes of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (SMEDA).and train youth to do business, to innovate and expand business.and train small and poor service providers to grow from small occupations into large enterprise.respect for poor and small entrepreneurship (rag to riches empowerment).
Arrange youth entrepreneurship competition.
(c) Micro - Finance
Provide financial resources/loans to increase access of poor/low income youths to training institutions and facilitate those seeking self-employment.
Expansion of micro finance sector in terms of outlets, products and access by the young.
Create a centralized "Information-System/Data base" on job opportunities for Youth in public and private sector to guide and counsel job-seeking youth.
(d)Internships, On Campus Job and Job Placements.
Expand and improve national internship programme.addition to Government programme, require large public and private organizations, companies and enterprises to provide internship opportunities equal to at least 5% of their sanctioned/approved strength of officers to young people/graduates with stipends equal to or more than the Government programme.all universities to provide on campus jobs equal to at least 5% of their full time student population.
Encourage all universities to set up offices for awaiting graduates in job placements. The government may also support programmes for job counseling and placement services.programmes of internships (or shared salaries) in partnership with corporate sector (public and private) with commitments of the latter to provide employment to most of the internees.
4.Marginalized and Vulnerable Youth.
Special and proactive measures financing and programmes for mainstreaming e.g.
welfare Centres and facilities to attract marginalized out of school and vulnerable youth from loitering, begging, whiling away time by clinging to shrines etc.
through support of NGOs/Civil Society and support programmes of Ministry of Social Welfare and education for mainstreaming of marginalized and vulnerable youth groups.
5. Character Building
Propagation of True Islamic values, ideology of Pakistan, good citizenship, gender equality, human values and respect for other religions through:
TV/Radio/media programmes and talk shows, debates, essay, competitions and discussions involving the youth and elders.dramas advertisement and documentaries etc, leading to good moral lessons.
6. Promotion of Sports and Recreation
The plan of action for the promotion of sports and recreational facilities is as follows:
Distinguished persons such as President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Nazims, leading icons in society, corporate leaders and other known personalities to become patrons of sports organizations in urban and rural areas.competitive sports, trekking, scouting events at all administrative levels. Make tent villages/camping facilities, wherever feasible and necessary.proper media coverage and appreciation of the sports for various sports through training centers, schools and educational institutions and media.
Enable expansion of sports facilities, play grounds, proper maintenance and sustenance of the sports facilities. Make Youth Activity Centres (comprising of reading rooms, computers, indoor and outdoor sports etc.) with priority to small towns. This may be done through public sector, public private partnership or through private sector/corporate resources.emphasis will be given to facilities for females.
7. Academic and Intellectual Development
There is no dearth of hard-working and talented youth of Pakistan. Given the opportunity, they can rise to the highest ranks in academic and intellectual pursuits. Many talented students, however, are handicapped because of lack of financial support, compromise on merit, limited opportunities, ignorance about opportunities and lack of availability or access to books, literature and other academic resources. To promote young academics to pursue excellence and critical thinking, the programmes include:
Enhancing the availability of scholarships to carry out studies at higher secondary, under graduate and graduate levels in country and abroad. A special emphasis will be given for scholarships at higher secondary and under graduate levels to dovetail with a similar programme being run by Higher Education Commission. A transparent criteria for selection of deserving youth for these scholarships will be prepared and widely publicized.order to reduce the gap of level and quality of education for rural population, it is proposed to launch a special scheme of scholarships for rural youth studying in schools in rural and underdeveloped areas in class 9 to graduation in quality education institutions in urban areas. and augmenting programmes for educational loans and "Qarz-e-Hasna" for students who do not get merit scholarships for studies both in Pakistan and abroad. These loans can be advanced by the Governments and banks and well publicized.funds will be created to facilitate participation of young students and professionals in conferences in-country and abroad. A transparent criteria for selection of deserving youth will be prepared and widely publicized.order to prepare students for getting admissions for the world renowned institutions at under graduate and graduate levels, special tutorials and guidance sessions would be arranged on internet and various local institutions would be encouraged to run trainings on subsidized rates.and research and development materials and facilities would be made available to the young researchers through internet access, libraries, book banks or book loaning programmes.
Government will provide support for mainstreaming of youth studying in Madrassas in collaboration with Ministries of Religious Affairs and Education.institutions will be advised to provide hostel accommodation to 100% students from far flung and backward areas.access to information technology including easy access to internet, satellite/televised information technology and audio-visual electronic informative data.will be given representation in Think Tanks, policy formulation and implementation for a.
8. Youth Health
i) Support Ministry of Health:
a) in extension and up gradation of facilitation for physical and mental health, public health, preventive health care, population welfare and rehabilitation care.
b) undertake awareness, preventive campaigns and programmes against drug abuse, drug addiction, smoking, HIV/AIDS, communicable diseases, nutritional imbalance, hepatitis, accidental injuries, psychological and mental illnesses, maternal mortality, infant mortality and environmental hazards.
Youth friendly confidential counseling help line would also be established with the help of Ministry of Health.
iii) Programmes for guidance of youth in adolescence age group would be undertaken.
9. Social Volunteerism
Youth Volunteer Corps will be promoted to assist in practical work for the Social and Economic Development of the country. Areas of youth volunteer activity will cover all vital sectors related to service to humanity including but not limited to Social Security, Health, Education, Environment, Gender, Sports; disaster/crises management and community uplift. Using existing volunteer activity in the country, the programme will be based on methodology, principles and best practices adopted internationally and acquire necessary foreign professional expertise to establish and help this vital initiative gain initial momentum.
Pakistan Boy Scouts / Girl Guides Association will be invigorated to activate the work and ethos of these organizations at grass root level in educational institutions and at community - level.
Encourage young people to undertake social and economic activities in rural areas.
Youth Volunteer Awards will be instituted to give incentives for volunteerism.
Encourage youth to participate in communal activities in relation to their community for safety, welfare and mutually beneficial tasks.
10. Incentives for Talented and High Performing Youth.
A merit and competition based National Youth Award will be instituted. For this purpose nominations will be solicited from various institutions as well as through national advertisements. These awards will be given in the fields of academics, social work, outstanding achievements of national importance, inventions, innovations, bravery, dedication, profession, Art and Culture etc. An elaborate system of selection on merit will be devised so that the deserving candidates, irrespective of their social background (poor, rich, rural, urban, political, family status etc) are selected. This Award will be made a permanent feature.
11. Youth, Marriage, Family and Life Skills.
Facilitating the youth (above 18 years) in the formation and planning of family on a sustainable basis.marriage through providing the necessary financial resources to the needy and accredited counseling services.
Providing necessary life skills for youth through university and school curriculum and in the non-formal education sector in order to make youth capable of coping with their problems in the early years of marriage. They will be provided training to develop skills in communication, resisting peer undue pressures etc.the awareness in youth about marriage law (e.g. minimum age of marriage, nikah nama etc.), reproductive health, Islamic tradition and values in the realm of family.
Strengthen the institution of family by promoting family values.
12. Youth Mentoring
Strengthening the institution of family to provide guidance to youth.parents, senior citizens, teachers, professionals and leaders in the art of mentoring and guiding young people.and encouraging youth counseling centers in universities, hospitals, large enterprises etc.
Young prisoners will be provided special facilities for mentoring and guidance to improve their lives.
13.Special Youth.
Special and handicapped youth may be given the same quota in all youth activities as has been approved by the Government in respect of Special Education and Rehabilitation of disabled persons.Chair accesses and special toilets for the disable youth be made compulsory in construction of all future buildings.
Special quota/opportunity for studying in all educational institutions including those for higher education both at home and abroad.
14.Balancing the Gender Imbalance
The government has already decided that the quota for female candidates for employment in public sector will be 10%. This proportion is proposed to be gradually enhanced. It is proposed to take measures to facilitate and enhance the participation of female youth in all walks of life including but not limited to:-
a) improving workplace environments in the back drop of suitable legal framework.
b) providing specific incentives to females to come forward in seeking jobs and entrepreneurship.
c) specific programme to enhance female education and skill development.
Youth in Prison
In coordination with the concerned authorities, special programmes will be undertaken to provide various skills and trainings so that the young prisoners can lead a respectable life upon leaving the prison. Similarly, interactions with senior citizens will be organized to provide mentoring support. Competitive and creative activities will be promoted. The measures and programmes envisaged under this policy will be made available inside the prisons also.
Institutional Implementation Plan
1.National Youth Council
The plan of action cuts across many disciplines. A number of Ministries, Provincial Departments, organizations, NGOs, various International Donors, UN agencies, Philanthropists, corporate bodies, NGOs and CBOs are already engaged in various disciplines envisaged in the plan of action. The implementation of the plan will thus heavily rely on the existing institutions. Essentially it will require these institutions to pay specific attention to youth development by enhancing and augmenting existing programmes, capacity building and increased financing in consonance with the National Youth Policy. To guide, create synergy, harmony and increased coordination in programmes of various institutions, a National Youth Council will be set up under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister with the following composition:-
1.Prime Minister - Chairman
2.Governor of NWFP - Member
3.Chief Ministers of Provinces (4) - Member
4.Federal Minister for Youth Affairs - Member
5.Prime Minister of AJK - Member
6.Ministers dealing with Youth Affairs of Provincial Governments and AJK (5) - Member
7.Chief Executive N.A. - Member
8.Secretary Youth Affairs - Member
9.Two member from NGOs/corporate sector - Member
10.Five Youth Representatives* (2 males and 3 females) - Member
11.One senior female from Ministry of Women Development. - Member
Total members : - 23 Members
The Ministry of Youth Affairs will form its Secretariat. The main function of this council will be to give impetus to harmonious implementation of National Youth Policy, monitoring of performance and to provide overall guidance. The council may meet at lest twice a year.
Executive Committee of the National Youth Council. For operational coordination with all stakeholders and leadership an Executive Committee of the National Youth Council will be formed under the Minister, Youth Affairs Division with secretaries of Federal Ministries concerned, Provincial Ministers and non official members of National Youth Council. The Executive Committee may meet on bimonthly basis.
* The five youth representatives with prominence in the fields of science and technology/education, social work, sports/culture and entrepreneurship with adequate representation to rural/backward areas, will be selected.
2.Role of Ministry of Youth Affairs.
The Ministry of Youth Affairs will play the role of catalyst, coordinator, enabler and monitor of the implementation of National Youth Policy. It will also undertake a number of youth centric projects, programmes and campaigns in accordance with National Youth Policy. In doing so, the Ministry will largely bank upon the infrastructure and the existing out reach of the specialized Ministries and organizations who are already involved in youth related activities. Funds will also be provided to qualified NGOs for undertaking programmes and projects in various districts to expand the outreach of the youth activities. The Ministry will supplement the existing programmes and develop joint projects. Wherever necessary it will also embark upon a number of activities, studies, seminars/workshops, and programmes of youth development. It will also develop partnership with private sector corporate bodies, philanthropists, NGOs, donors and other national and international bodies to promote cause of youth and sponsor various activities. Jointly financed programmes/events will also be executed where ever feasible in line with the policy. Print and electronic media will be used to enhance the coverage and quick dissemination of programmes. The Ministry of Youth Affairs will be adequately strengthened to undertake the responsibilities of consonance with needs of the National Youth Policy.
3.Implementation of the Policy at the Provincial and District Level.
At present there is no separate department of Youth Affairs at the Provincial level, in AJK, FATA or Northern Areas. Youth affairs are being looked after in conjunction with Culture/Sports/Tourism. In view of the much wider vision given under the Youth Policy, it is recommended that the Provinces may create separate Ministries/Departments for Youth Affairs to perform similar functions as the Ministry of Youth Affairs at the Federal level. It is also recommended that Provincial Youth Councils headed by the Chief Ministers of the Provinces be also constituted. Similar councils be also formed in AJK, NA and FATA. The membership of the councils be decided by the respective governments/administrations. The council may meet twice a year. The council may review performance of Departments/Districts in respect of each policy area and plan of action.
Executive Committee of Provincial Youth Council should also be formed on the pattern recommended for the Federal Government.
4. Agencies/Departments Responsible for Implementation of the Policy in Coordination with the Ministry of Youth Affairs.
A list of Ministries/Departments responsible for the implementation of the policy in coordination of the Ministry of Youth Affairs is at Appendix-A. Essentially, they will arrange programmes, events and projects in pursuance of this policy at their respective levels.
5. Role of NGOs.
The NGOs are expected to play a very important role in carrying forward the objectives of the National Youth Policy. Wherever feasible, the NGOs with track record of activities related to Youth Policy will be invited to submit their proposals through a competitive process for carrying out activities/projects in accordance with the National Youth Policy. Those NGOs, who submit their proposals which are accepted, will be provided finances from PSDP. The NGOs which contribute, partially or wholly for the activities/projects from their own resources will be given preference.
6. Role of Media.
All public and private media are expected to play an important role in various initiatives envisaged under the policy. They will be persuaded to undertake Youth programmes of prime times and start Youth Channels, if possible. Media would be advised to allocate prime time for youth programmes on regular basis while PTV may set up a specific youth channel.
7. National Youth Fund.
It is also proposed to create a National Youth Fund with the support of international donors, corporate bodies, banks, philanthropists and some seed money from the government to support the National Youth Policy. To begin with the fund will support the following activities:-
National Youth scholarships for mainstreaming of youth from backward and special areas and rural urban exchange programme.internship.of Youth Centres/Academies where ever building and space is made available by local communities/NGOs/ administrative authorities.programmes for handicapped youth.seminars, studies on youth related topics conventions etc.magazine to be published by Ministry of Youth Affairs on quarterly basis.competitions in entrepreneurships, innovation, sports, essays, debates, leadership, exhibitions, fairs.entrepreneurship, ventures fund and incubators.for undergraduate students for education abroad in the world best universities to be selected on merit through GRE/ SAT/TOEFEL for studies at undergraduate level in Pakistan.activities as approved by the Board of Governors.
It is proposed that the campaign for fund raising may be initiated by the President/Prime Minister.
The fund is proposed to be managed by a Board of Governors comprising of five largest subscribers to the fund from corporate sector, philanthropists, banks etc, a representative of international donors, seven youth representatives (from the four provinces, AJK, NA, and FATA) and two nominees of the Federal Government. A Managing Director will be appointed with a small Secretariat to manage the fund. Its detailed charter, rules and organizational structure be finalized by the Board of Governors within three months of approval of this Policy.
8. Youth Programmes through Corporate Sector
Social responsibility is a cardinal principle of all good corporate bodies. Usually various programmes and allocation of funds are envisaged in corporate programmes. Besides seeking donation of funds from corporate bodies for the National Youth Fund, and undertaking joint public private programmes, it is proposed that they may be requested to undertake various programmes under their own management and control. For this purpose various programme packages will be developed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and offered to various Corporations and Companies. The Corporations and Companies may implement these programmes with suitable modifications under their banner in consultation with the Ministry of Youth Affairs. It will secure the twin objectives of promoting Company/Corporation's image and at the same time efficient implementation of their programmes without the bureaucratic rigmarole.
9.Honorary Youth Ambassadors and Councilors Abroad.
A large number of Pakistan's youth lives abroad and is engaged in the fields of education, services, commerce, industry and labour. They are exposed and influenced to various cultures and schools of thoughts in the communities they inhabit. Pakistanis have formed societies and fora in various countries but there is no forum specifically for Pakistani youth where they deliberate about future strategies and progression of Pakistan in the modern world, communicate and network with each other and undertake youth activities. To fill this gap, it is proposed to organize the Pakistani youth living abroad as follows:-
i) City Youth Council.
City Youth Council will be formed in each major city comprising of 10 councilors representing different occupations amongst the youth living in the city. These occupations may include students, businessmen, traders, entrepreneurs, labour and shopkeepers etc. Each Youth Council may be headed by an Honorary Youth Councilor.
ii) Central Youth Council
A Central Youth Council may be formed at the country level comprising of the Honorary Youth Councilors and nominees of the Government with a total strength of 15 members from the youth living in the country. The Central Youth Council may be headed by an Honorary Youth Ambassador.
Agencies/Departments Directly Responsible for Implementation
Of the Policy in Coordination with Ministry of Youth Affairs*.
Policy Principle
Federal Level Agencies/Department Ministries/Department
Provincial Level Agencies/
District Level Agencies/Department
Reinforcement of sense of Pride, Awareness and Motivation
M/O Youth Affairs
M/O CultureEducationWomen DevelopmentInformation & BroadcastingScience & Technologysports
Youth DepartmentsDepartmentof Education
District NazimsSports OfficersEducation Officers
(To inculcate the sense of pride in the growth right from school level)
M/O Youth Affairs Religious AffairsEducationInformation & BroadcastingTourismLaw, Justice & Human Rights.
Youth Departmentsof Social Welfareof Tourismof Education
District NazimsEducation OfficersSports Officers
Enabling prospects of Income Generation for Youth (Harnessing the Youth Dividend)
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O Education/ other Local AgenciesIndustriesTourismof Finance and Financial InstitutionsLabour & ManpowerDivision
Youth Departmentsof Labour & Manpowerof Planning & Development.InstitutionsDepartmentDevelopment Council
District Nazims
Addressing Issues of Marginalized and Vulnerable Groups of Youth.
Ministry of Youth Affairsof Educationof Religious AffairsSpecial Education & Social WelfareRights Commission (HRC)
Character Building
M/O Religious Affairsof Youth Affairs EducationInformation & BroadcastingCenters/Universities
Youth Departmentsof Religious AffairsEducationCenters/ Universities
District NazimsEducation Officers
Promotion of Sports & Recreation
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O Educationsports
Youth DepartmentsDepartmentof Information & Broadcasting.Education
District NazimsEducation Officers
District Sports Officers
Academic & Intellectual Development
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O EducationEducation Commission
Youth Departmentsof Education
District NazimsEducation Officers
Youth Health
M/O EnvironmentNarcotics ControlTourismHealthInformation & Broadcasting
Youth Departmentsof HealthDepartment of Narcotics Controlof Information & Broadcasting.
District NazimsHealth Officer
Youth Volunteerism
Ministry of Youth Affairs
National Volunteer MovementScouts AssociationGuide Association
Youth DepartmentsScouts AssociationGuide Association
Colleges Directorate
District Nazims
Incentive for Talented & High Performing Youth
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O EducationWomen DevelopmentEducation Commission
Youth DepartmentsDepartmentDepartment
District NazimsEducation Officer.
Youth Marriage, Family and Life Skills
M/O EducationReligious AffairsSpecial Education & Social Welfare
Youth Department
Youth Mentoring
Ministry of Youth Affairs
M/O Narcotics ControlEducationReligious Affairs
Youth Departments
District Nazims
Handicapped Youth
Ministry of Healthof Social Welfare and Special Education
Provincial Youth DepartmentsEducation DepartmentsSocial Welfare
District Nazims
Gender Imbalance
Ministry of Women DevelopmentDivisionDivision.
Services of General Administration Departments.Department
Youth in
Ministry of
(a) Interior
(b) Education
(c) Social Welfare and NAVTEC.
Provincial Ministries concerned
Administration of jails/prisons.
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